Friday, 13 April 2018

Ali Akbar Khan 1965 'Raga Multani & Hindol-Hem'

[Re-post and Re-transfer with WAVs]

Here is a 1965 LP by Ali Akbar Khan, released in India in Mono and Stereo. This LP has been digitised in Mono by Saregama (a primary Indian music label - formerly 'The Gramophone Company of India Limited', however like a lot of Saregama digitisations, was done pretty poorly! I acquired this LP last year after deciding the digital version I was listening to was not good enough. Indeed the LP sounds so much better and I'm happy to share.

Label: His Master's Voice ‎- EALP1301

A - Raga: Multani
B - Raga: Hindol-Hem

Digitised with: Project Essential II Turntable, Ortofon Red Stylus, recorded as WAV 16/48 in Audacity and saved unaltered (apart from track separation/info tags) as WAV 16/48, and then separately edited with: Clickrepair (low settings) then slight reduction on surface noise + normalised to -1.5db in Audacity and exported as WAV 16/48 and MP3 320kbps.


  1. Great Post, good transfer, many thanks.

  2. Hey Kirrin, after being long-curious about the "cleaned" versions (which I've been downloading) and the unaltered versions, I accidentally got the unaltered version today. Then downloaded the cleaned version to compare.

    Listening only deepens my respect for your restoration efforts!

    I'm quite pleased to have the pops and clicks removed while leaving the music pristine.

    Thanks for all your fine work!!!


    1. Hi Bill, thanks very much for your warm comments! I too, after all, am the main listener of these recordings so I have a personal incentive to get the best results I can. Please continue to enjoy the fine music and I'll keep doing my best to edit the music with care.

  3. Thanks a lot for all this albums of Ali Akbar Khan (and the rest). Graciñas.
